Residential Locating Services

At Tracker Locating, our unwavering commitment to excellence, decades of experience, and cutting-edge technology set us apart as leaders in residential underground locating services. We take pride in delivering the highest quality locates, ensuring that your residential utility locating projects are safe and accurate. Our technicians are experts in the field, insured and with decades of locating experience. For every residential locating service, we provide detailed handwritten reports containing all the data we gathered and the specifics of your utility locating project for future reference. Our services include:

  1. Electrical lines locating
  2. Gas line locating
  3. Sewer and Water line Locating
  4. Phone line locating
  5. Property line pin locating

Electrical Power Lines

Understanding the layout of electrical power lines is crucial for any residential construction or renovation. Tracker Locating ensures precise identification and mapping of power lines, promoting safety and preventing disruptions.

Water and Surface Valves & Gas Lines

Safeguard your residential property by accurately locating water and surface valves, as well as gas lines. Our precise detection services contribute to the safety and efficiency of any home renovation or landscaping project.


Whether you’re planning to install new communication lines or conducting maintenance on existing ones, Tracker Locating’s residential communication locating services provide the accuracy and reliability you need.

Locating Property Pins

Ensure property boundaries are clearly defined with our property pin locating services. Tracker Locating helps you avoid boundary disputes and ensures that your residential project adheres to local regulations and guidelines.

Vehicle Plugin-Ins, Storm Pipes

Navigate your residential project with confidence by accurately locating vehicle plugin-ins and storm pipes. Our services empower you to plan and execute with precision, avoiding unexpected challenges.

Garages, Parking lots

Tracker Locating offers comprehensive residential underground utility locating services tailored for home garages and parking lots. Our expert team utilizes advanced technology to accurately detect and map the underground utilities, ensuring safe and efficient digging or construction projects. Whether you’re planning a renovation, installing new fixtures, or simply need to avoid damaging existing utilities, our precise locating services provide peace of mind. We identify and mark the locations of various utilities, including gas, water, electrical lines, and more, helping to prevent costly repairs and enhance safety. Trust Tracker Locating for reliable and accurate utility locating solutions in your residential spaces.

In-Floor/In-Concrete Services

For projects involving in-floor or in-concrete installations, Tracker Locating’s expertise ensures a clear understanding of underground utility structures. Our precise detection services contribute to the success of your residential endeavours.

Choose Tracker Locating for Residential Locating Services that prioritize precision and professionalism. Contact us today for a consultation, and experience the confidence that comes with partnering with the best in the industry.